
I am a Research Scientist at NVIDIA Research (My NVIDIA research page). I joined NVIDIA in 2011 after obtaining my Ph.D. degree from Grenoble University at INRIA in France (thesis document here). My research interests include real-time realistic rendering, global illumination, alternative geometric and material representations (voxel-based), ray-tracing, anti-aliasing techniques, distributed rendering, as well as out-of-core data management. My predominant research direction focuses on the use of pre-filtered geometric representations for the efficient anti-aliased rendering of detailed scenes and complex objects, as well as global illumination effects. My most impactful contributions are the GigaVoxels rendering pipeline and the GIVoxels/VXGI voxel-based indirect illumination technique, with several hardware implications in the NVIDIA Maxwell architecture.



Luminance-Preserving and Temporally Stable Daltonization

Luminance-Preserving and Temporally Stable Daltonization

Ebelin, Pontus; Crassin, Cyril; Denes, Gyorgy; Oskarsson, Magnus; Åström, Kalle; Akenine-Möller, Tomas

Eurographics 2023 Short Papers, 2023. Inproceedings

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Refraction Ray Cones for Texture Level of Detail

Refraction Ray Cones for Texture Level of Detail

Bokskansky, Jakub; Crassin, Cyril; Akenine-Möller, Tomas

Ray Tracing Gems II, Chapter 10, 2021. Book Chapter

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Improved Shader and Texture Level of Detail Using Ray Cones

Improved Shader and Texture Level of Detail Using Ray Cones

Akenine-Möller, Tomas; Crassin, Cyril; Boksansky, Jakub; Belcour, Laurent; Panteleev, Alexey; Wright, Oli

Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, 2021 , 2021. Journal Article

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


A Ray-Box Intersection Algorithm and Efficient Dynamic Voxel Rendering

A Ray-Box Intersection Algorithm and Efficient Dynamic Voxel Rendering

Majercik, Zander; Crassin, Cyril; Shirley, Peter; McGuire, Morgan

Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, 2018. Journal Article

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Correlation-Aware Semi-Analytic Visibility for Antialiased Rendering

Correlation-Aware Semi-Analytic Visibility for Antialiased Rendering

Crassin, Cyril; Wyman, Chris; McGuire, Morgan; Lefohn, Aaron

HPG ’18: High-Performance Graphics, 2018. Inproceedings

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Aggregate G-Buffer Anti-Aliasing in Unreal Engine 4

Aggregate G-Buffer Anti-Aliasing in Unreal Engine 4

Bavoil, Louis; Crassin, Cyril

Siggraph 2016 Course - Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games, 2016. Conference

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


The SGGX microflake distribution

The SGGX microflake distribution

Heitz, Eric; Dupuy, Jonathan; Crassin, Cyril; Dachsbacher, Carsten

ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2015, 2015. Journal Article

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Aggregate G-Buffer Anti-Aliasing

Aggregate G-Buffer Anti-Aliasing

Crassin, Cyril ; McGuire, Morgan ; Fatahalian, Kayvon ; Lefohn, Aaron

ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) -- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) - October 2016, ACM, IEEE, 2015. Inproceedings

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


CloudLight: A system for amortizing indirect lighting in real-time rendering

CloudLight: A system for amortizing indirect lighting in real-time rendering

Crassin, Cyril; Luebke, David; Mara, Michael; McGuire, Morgan; Oster, Brent; Shirley, Peter; Sloan, Peter-Pike; Wyman, Chris

2013. Technical Report

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Dynamic Sparse Voxel Octrees for Next-Gen Real-Time Rendering

Dynamic Sparse Voxel Octrees for Next-Gen Real-Time Rendering

Crassin, Cyril

SIGGRAPH 2012 Course : Beyond Programmable Shading, ACM SIGGRAPH, 2012. Inproceedings

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Octree-Based Sparse Voxelization Using The GPU Hardware Rasterizer

Octree-Based Sparse Voxelization Using The GPU Hardware Rasterizer

Crassin, Cyril ; Green, Simon

OpenGL Insights, CRC Press, Patrick Cozzi and Christophe Riccio, 2012. Book Chapter

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing

Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing

Crassin, Cyril ; Neyret, Fabrice ; Sainz, Miguel ; Green, Simon ; Eisemann, Elmar

Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Pacific Graphics 2011), 2011. Journal Article

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing: An Insight

Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing: An Insight

Crassin, Cyril ; Neyret, Fabrice ; Sainz, Miguel ; Green, Simon ; Eisemann, Elmar

SIGGRAPH 2011 : Technical Talk, ACM SIGGRAPH, 2011. Inproceedings

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

GigaVoxels: A Voxel-Based Rendering Pipeline For Efficient Exploration Of Large And Detailed Scenes

GigaVoxels: A Voxel-Based Rendering Pipeline For Efficient Exploration Of Large And Detailed Scenes

Crassin, Cyril

Grenoble University, 2011. PhD Thesis

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing: A Preview

Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing: A Preview

Crassin, Cyril ; Neyret, Fabrice ; Sainz, Miguel ; Green, Simon ; Eisemann, Elmar

Poster ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D). Best Poster Award., 2011. Inproceedings

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Efficient Rendering of Highly Detailed Volumetric Scenes with GigaVoxels

Efficient Rendering of Highly Detailed Volumetric Scenes with GigaVoxels

Crassin, Cyril ; Neyret, Fabrice ; Sainz, Miguel ; Eisemann, Elmar

GPU Pro, pp. 643–676, A K Peters, 2010. Book Chapter

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


GigaVoxels: Voxels Come Into Play

GigaVoxels: Voxels Come Into Play

Crassin, Cyril

2009. Miscellaneous

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Beyond Triangles : GigaVoxels Effects In Video Games

Beyond Triangles : GigaVoxels Effects In Video Games

Crassin, Cyril ; Neyret, Fabrice ; Lefebvre, Sylvain ; Sainz, Miguel ; Eisemann, Elmar

SIGGRAPH 2009 : Technical Talk + Poster (Best Poster Award Finalist), ACM SIGGRAPH, 2009. Inproceedings

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Building with Bricks: Cuda-based Gigavoxel Rendering

Building with Bricks: Cuda-based Gigavoxel Rendering

Crassin, Cyril ; Neyret, Fabrice ; Eisemann, Elmar

Intel Visual Computing Research Conference, 2009. Inproceedings

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

GigaVoxels : Ray-Guided Streaming for Efficient and Detailed Voxel Rendering

GigaVoxels : Ray-Guided Streaming for Efficient and Detailed Voxel Rendering

Crassin, Cyril ; Neyret, Fabrice ; Lefebvre, Sylvain ; Eisemann, Elmar

ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), ACM, 2009. Inproceedings

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Interactive Multiple Anisotropic Scattering In Clouds

Interactive Multiple Anisotropic Scattering In Clouds

Bouthors, Antoine ; Neyret, Fabrice ; Max, Nelson ; Bruneton, Eric ; Crassin, Cyril

ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), 2008. Inproceedings

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Interactive GigaVoxels

Interactive GigaVoxels

Crassin, Cyril ; Neyret, Fabrice ; Lefebvre, Sylvain

INRIA Technical Report 2008. Technical Report

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Rendu Interactif De Nuages Realistes

Rendu Interactif De Nuages Realistes

Bouthors, Antoine ; Neyret, Fabrice ; Max, Nelson ; Bruneton, Eric ; Crassin, Cyril

AFIG '07 (Actes des 20emes journees de l'AFIG), pp. 183-195, AFIG, Marne la Vall'ee, France, 2007. Inproceedings

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Représentation et Algorithmes pour l'Exploration Interactive de Volumes Procéduraux Étendus et Détaillés

Représentation et Algorithmes pour l'Exploration Interactive de Volumes Procéduraux Étendus et Détaillés

Crassin, Cyril

M2 Recherche UJF/INPG, INRIA, 2007. Masters Thesis

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

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